Sign up for the Competition using the Form at the bottom of this page!

BBQ Competition
We got 6 KCBS Judges lined up to judge your chicken and ribs!
There will be an opportunity to get feedback on your turn-ins after turn-in and before the awards ceremony.
Key Information
Competition entry Fee is $100, this all goes to the prize pool.
Cooks meeting (Mandatory) 9:30am Saturday, June 1st.
Wing Cookoff (Optional) 5-6pm Friday, May 31st.
People’s Choice Pulled Pork (Optional) 12-2pm Saturday, June 1st.
Turn in Times are 4pm for Chicken, and 4:30pm and Pork Ribs.
Awards Ceremony and raffle drawing at 6:30pm.
Los Diablos is providing Chicken and Rib tasting with mac-n-cheese and baked beans from 5:30-6:30PM.
Teams may optionally provide chicken and rib samples for attendees.
Garnish will not be provided but it is allowed. Garnish is highly recommended.
Find Jake if you would like some pointers or advice on this.